Saturday, February 16, 2013

Review: Pivot Point by Kasie West

Pivot Point
Author: Kasie West
Release Date: 
Publisher: HarperTEEN
Genre: Mystery, Romance, Paranormal
Hardcover: 343 pages


Addison Coleman's life is one big "What if?" As a Searcher, whenever Addie is faced with a choice, she can look into the future and see both outcomes. It's the ultimate insurance plan against disaster. Or so she thought. When Addie's parents ambush her with the news of their divorce, she has to pock-who she wants to live with her father, who is leaving the paranormal  compound to live among the "Norms", or her mother, who is staying in the life Addie has always known. Addie lives her life just as it is, so her answer should be easy. One Search six weeks into the future proves it's not.

In one potential future, Addie is adjusting to life outside the Compound as the new girl in a Norm high school where she meets Trevor, a cute, sensitive artist who understands her. In the other path, Addie is being pursued by the hottest guy in school- but she never wanted to be the quarterbacks  girlfriend. When Addie's father is asked to consult on a murder in the Compound, she's unwittingly drawn into a dangerous game that threatens she holds dear. With love and loss in both lives, it all comes down to which reality she's willing to live through....and who she can't live without.

As a Searcher, whenever Addison "Addie" has to make a choice, she can look into her *own* future to see the outcome. When her parents announce they are getting a divorce, they are letting her choose who she will be staying with. Will she leave her friends, and safety of the compound to live "Normal" with her dad, or will she stay with her mother who she doesn't really get along with?

The setting and world that Kasie West has created is fresh. In this book, there is a compound where people with supernatural abilities live and train their powers, staying away from the "Norms" or the humans with the non-supernatural abilities  They can live and interact with the norms but they can never tell or reveal them about their abilities or about the compound due to some dire consequences (perhaps).

I liked Addie. She's a likable character, and not so whiny and clingy and lost on what she wants. But in this book, and with this ability she has to Search to see what outcome is her best for her; Mom or Dad, I don't know what I would do in her situation. The ability to Search, choosing a path to see the greater outcome in your life, which is indeed a big "what if?" I think this ability would be both frightening and thrilling at the same time.

Now, there is no real "love triangle" in this book because of the alternate realities that is given. If Addie chose to live with her dad, where she would have to go to a normal school and meet, interact, and adapt with normal people, she would have to refrain from using or talking about her ability. But not only this, but she meets the artistic, sweet, and Southern boy, Trevor. I had always wanted Addie to be with Trevor the first moment they met because nowadays, we always see the main YA character choosing the hot, paranormal Greek god-looking model, instead of the normal, human boy. I like Trevor because he's sweet, and artistic and likes reading graphic novels, oh, and he draws them too. Sure, Trevor his flaws and his secrets, but he's a great guy for Addison in my opinion.

If Addie chose to stay with her mom,  she will be with her friends, still attend Lincoln High, but she will get with, yep, the "hottest guy" in school, Duke Rivers. But not only is he the hottest guy in school, he's also the quarterback in the Para-football team. Para-football is just Paranormal Football where the players use their powers (some and mostly are telekinetic  to swivel the ball around...just without all the tackling one would see in the normal football. Duke. Hmm....In this reality, if Addie chose this path, I can't say what I feel much about him. Despite he's the hottest guy and the quarterback, he's okay. He has his flaws too, and I started to dislike him a bit where he started to get suspicious like Addie was (and me) because of him doing suspicious things. Addison and Duke are a cute couple, but not as cute as Trevor and Addison. Did I mention Duke has the power of Telekinesis?

Laila is Addison's best friend. Unlike some YA novels where the story has the best friend and drops them and we never see them again. This is not the case within Pivot Point, Ms. West includes Laila from beginning to the end, and I admire that because Laila does play a major part in this book too. Like Addie and other characters in this book (except the norms), she's an Eraser- a person with the ability to erase memories. She's funny, fun, loud, sometimes obnoxious and quirky. Laila is one of those friends who drools over and flirts with many guys, but doens't really do anything till she find that "Right one". I think Laila is a great character

There are many different, unique characters with many different and unique abilities. The one character and ability I would be most afraid of is Addison's dad because he's literally a walking, breathing, and talking Lie Detector  But because of that, Dad can't lie, no matter how much he tries to hide it. I would be afraid to lie to him about many things--heh, many teenagers would.

There's a murder going on (of course. What YA book doesn't have murder within it?) and this plays both a major role in both realities between if Addie stays with Mom or Dad.

The ending of the book was amazing. I really wasn't excepting what Addison did and the path she chose within the very last chapter and I'm glad that she did!!

So, is this a standalone or going to be a series?

Pivot Point is a unique, fresh-breathing novel from the look-alikes and similar novels out there in the paranormal genre. I really enjoyed this one though at times I did feel confused on which reality is which (between Addie staying with her mom and then with her dad), but it'll get used to. But this book was satisfying and promising from the blurb till I finally closed this book.
I couldn't recommend this book enough.

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