Monday, January 7, 2013


Welcome to the AddictiveReadingReviews blog! While I'm not new to the blogging scene, but I am new to the book-blogging scene. Well, I lied, I did review one book which was for the Library in my hometown, but it's cool. Book blogs are the entire reason I even joined blogger to begin with, so since I'm so addicted, I figured- why not? I read so many books, why not review them as well? I have strong opinions about everything I read, and I usually never have anybody to share them with, so what better than my very own book blog? And I've been thinking about doing this for a while, so, here I am!

It's a little empty right now. Well .. a lot empty, but I imagine things will fill up as the blog progresses, you know?
For the start, I'll be reviewing older books that I had read and that are just sitting and collecting dust on my shelf and then which will turn into the books that I have read on and recently. Just so you know, this blog will be a mix of Young Adult and Adult Fiction (Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy) novels. I mainly read YA, Contemporary, Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy, Adult Fiction, and much more! Whatever it is, I'll read it! Bring it ON! I'm serious. I will READ ANYTHING! No matter how bad or amazing it is. I'm a loyal and dedicated Reader. As for contests- I won't have one until the blog picks up, and I get some money to actually get something/send it. I hope that won't stray any of you from here, because I'll try my best! So please stay and don't run away!

In the end, I'm eighteen years old and my name is Brittney, and currently living the city of Pennsylvania with my family. I'm a senior in high school and I'm an aspiring writer, who is currently in the process of writing something. I intend to procrastinate and laze around a lot when I'm writing, so I'm *trying* to get out of that sticky net.  I'll be posting up some stories of mine that I have wrote in the previous years ever since I first started writing, along with the book reviews.
My imagination is ridiculously wild and crazy and dark and...and I'm often sometimes afraid of how it's operated. So, I'll shut up now. I'll probably type up my very first review very soon! So pretty please with sugar on top- come back and check it out? :)

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